WebNameHost Payment Centre

You have reached this page because:

  1. You have decided what you are doing about obtaining or transferring a domain name.
  2. You have read the hosting policies, will abide with them, and will enforce tham on anyone using your account and/or a sub-account under your account (includes resellers, subdomains, mail accounts, etc.)
  3. You have already submitted data and had your hosting approved or are renewing.
  4. You are ready to pay for your hosting or other products.

How to Pay:

  1. All our annual, six-month, or quarterly plan payments are sold through our KAGI store. You must renew these plans when they expire. To buy one of these plans from KAGI Click Here. Alternately, you may paypal the correct amount to host at the domain webnamehost.net. The easiest way to pay for a two-for-one plan is to buy the next higher plan and include a note. Our low cost plans and standard domains, when registered by us for you are also available through our PayPal Annual payment page.
  2. All monthly plans are sold on a subscription bases at a higher price per month than the corresponding annual or multi-month plan. Your credit card will be billed each and every month for the amount you agree to until you cancel the payment. To subscribe to one of these plans Click Here
  3. Special offer to TWU and all residents of Langley-Aldergrove-Bradner-Mt.Lehman-Abbotsford only After getting approval for your hosting plan, rather than pay here, you may hand deliver to Rick Sutcliffe your personal cheque for one of our hosting plans at the advertized price but in Canadian dollars (a discount, eh?). Ask for an address when you get approval or use the contact form. This offer does NOT apply to domains, which are always billed and paid in $US funds.

From Arjay Web Services division of Arjay Enterprises and affiliate of Arjay Books